Knee Injury Update: Training/Stem Cells/ATG Training/exc.

Today I sit down and give you guys a quick 10 min update on how things are going with my knee injury.

I share with you my experience from the ATG Event I went to this last weekend getting certified as a L1 ATG Endorsed Coach! I got to train with Ben Patrick himself and after getting certified and learning from Ben and the other head coaches I share with you guys my thought process going forward on how I plan on rehabbing my knee.

I talk about the timeline I have built out to allow myself to see potential progress and to also see if progress stalls when we pull the trigger on going under the knife and having them surgically repair my ACL!

Will update you all as progress continues and have more guest and solo podcast coming soon!

This weekend I head to Austin, Texas for a Fitness Coaching Mastermind where I'm sure I'll meet some more amazing coaches and people to have on the show!

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Chris Page: @chrispagecoach