Cody Guilateri: A Fitness Explorer's Perspective

Today we sit down with fellow coach Cody Guilateri, owner of Midpoint Fitness in Melbourne Florida. Cody and I got connected through a mentorship group and after hearing his story I knew we'd have some good stuff to talk about on the podcast!

Today Cody shares his story in how he grew up an obese child and in order to make change he took some drastic measures one summer and ended up losing about 90 pounds in 3 months! Cody even admits to this day that this approach was extreme and very unhealthy, as a result from this starvation diet he had the bone density of a 65 year old lady and had to undo some of the damage he had caused during his weight loss journey.

In the process of getting to a truly healthy state Cody stared to explore a multitude of fitness modalities to get him to the place he is today. Cody has done traditional bodybuilding, endurance training, MMA, Boxing and Ju-Jitsu, ATG training and so much more!

Cody believes that being able to change up your fitness routines and not get pigeon holed into one specific type of training is what has kept him focused and engaged through all his years of training and brings this philosophy into his gym with his own clients! Based on their goals he implements all different types of training focuses to keep his clients growing!

Growth as we talked about on the podcast is one of Cody's main drivers in life and even outside of the gym Cody talks about how he's put work into other areas such as mental health and psychology in order to become a better person and coach!

We even dive into the psychology of human needs and how we make our choices everyday to achieve them! I hope you guys enjoy the episode!

You can follow Cody @codytoofit

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