How My Knee Injury Was A Blessing In Disguise

In today's episode, I explain the big realization I've had since my knee injury in February.

One of my clients asked me "how have things been going since your knee injury?". My answer may surprise most of you but it was "actually things have been going better!"

How can that be?!? My whole goal this year was to make it on a team as a field player and get ready for the big move to England in the attempt to make it on a 2nd/3rd division pro team. But during a tryout on February 2nd, my ACL/LCL were completely torn, as well as partial tears to my PLC complex and hamstring.

So how can things be better??

In short,

Because of my injury I've been forced to put LESS on my plate; soccer training and game day activities have been put on hold.

This has allowed me to focus on LESS things but put MORE EFFORT into those things.

Before my injury it felt like I was trying to keep 6 plates spinning in my life:

  • Soccer

  • Training for Soccer

  • Training for Aesthetics

  • My Business

  • My Relationships

  • The Podcast

And the reality was I couldn't sustain it and every once in a while 1 or 2 of these plates would fall, crash and break all over the floor.

Now with my injury, I've been forced to put 2 of these plates down-Soccer and Training for Soccer.

As a result, I've found I'm much better at keeping 4 plates spinning and can keep them up because my FOCUS isn't spread thin.

This realization has been something I wanted to share with all of you.

The reason you may not be succeeding in the goals you've set out for yourself is that you're spread too thin!

You're trying to do it all and the result is you're doing all of it at a low capacity and low success rate.

I believe if you take your focus and put in on 3-4 BIG Things you will be much more successful and in this time you may be able to create systems that allow these plates to spin in the future with less and less effort and that will afford you the time and focus to pick up the plates to put down for a little bit and get back to them with the energy and focus needed to be successful at them without burnout and frustration.

I hope this episode helps someone out there realize they have WAY too much on their plate as I did and that they don't need a major injury to intervene and have them slow down.

Take the lesson I learned the hard way and apply it to your life so you don't have to go through what I am going through now!

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Chris Page: @chrispagecoach