The ATG Sprinter: Brendan Backstrom

Today we sit down and talk with Brendan Backstrom aka The ATG Sprinter!

Brendan and I first met a couple weeks ago at the ATG Expo in Clearwater with Ben Patrick and all the other ATG coaches. Brendan and I connected at the event once I started telling him about knee injury that if you listen to the podcast know about.

As he heard about my injury and how I plan on using ATG to build my knee back he couldn't help but relate with all his previous injuries and the journey he's already been on.

We didn't get a chance at The ATG Expo to dive into that journey but we do now on today's episode.

It's funny that Brendan coined the IG The ATG Sprinter because as you will learn on today's episode, Brendan claims to have been the absolute slowest sprinter at his high school when he was starting. In fact, if it wasn't for his amazing teammates who cheered him on and encouraged him to be better he would've quit a long time ago.

As we learn though, effort alone didn't build the man you listen to today, it actually broke him at first.

Brendan shares how he had numerous injuries in high school and college from running and soccer because he hadn't spent any time on building his body up to get better at his sports and a result the body started breaking down.

First with severe patellar tendonitis that eventually had to be operated on, stress fractures on his shins, a sports hernia in college, as well as a herniated disc in his back all in the space of 5 years...This is enough injuries back to back to break anyones spirit from trying to build themselves back.

Brendan talks about this time on the podcast and how important it was for him to watch the language he used, the people he hung around with, and the beliefs he allowed in his head to ensure he stayed optimistic and hopeful he would find a way to get back to the sports he loved pain free.

And here comes ATG and Ben Patrick!

Brendan found ATG in 2018-2019 and since finding it has gone completely all in with the program, following the principle, and as a result has completely healed all of his previous injuries!

He's now stronger than ever, more flexible, more athletic, and more explosive!

Now after learning everything he has, he is making a comeback in track and using the ATG Principles to get him there.

Brendan's story is truly inspiring for anyone out there with multiple injuries who think they'll never make it back; because he did!

Brendan is an example of grit, determination and strategic training to become the best version of himself and is now helping others do the same!

You can find Brendan on Instagram @TheATGSprinter

I hope you all enjoy the show!

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